I have recently observed a daily period of my life that, I assume, has always been there, but for some reason I have never paid it much attention. It is a phenomenal experience, and I am surprised that I have never noticed it before. Perhaps, with age, I am becoming more aware of the passing moments, and have become more appreciative of each passing second. All I know is that I experience this feeling every morning. It lasts for maybe a second....perhaps two. It may actually be a nanosecond. It truly is hard to measure the length of time, but it's there when I take the time to absorb and appreciate this daily fraction of a moment.
There is this instant, as I pass from being asleep to waking, that there is complete peace. I mean complete peace. Not a thought about what the day may hold, not a whisper about the challenges that life brings, or concerns about issues that may surround me. Just complete serenity. Quiet, all encompassing peace. It is a beautiful second or fraction of a second, or whatever length of time it may be.
Now, as Christians, I understand that we are to live our lives surrounded by the peace of God, and I am aware of the peace that the Holy Spirit gives us when we choose to walk in it. I feel a little of it as I walk along the Kettle River with my dogs praying. I feel a small portion of it in the occasional church service. I am aware of God's peace as I walk through the often mundane tasks of living. But this early morning instant is a deeper peace, a more amazing tranquility, a wonderful hush that envelops my soul. Short lived for sure, but marvelously perceivable none-the-less.
Even as I write this, I realize that perhaps this instant each morning is the measure between my body waking and my mind becoming active. When the mind kicks in....well, the deep peace is gone, the tranquility lifts, and the soul begins to absorb the work that will be required just to keep breathing. It is about this time each morning that I almost inaudibly whisper, "Lord, I give you this day." My father is faithful, and he gives the peace and strength necessary to walk through life, but nothing matches the peace of that waking moment.
Here's my thought. Perhaps, in that instant of serenity each morning as I exit my night of sleep, the Father is giving me just a small taste of the serenity that comes when we enter the final sleep of death. My waking from sleep is a small reminder of what awaits me when I enter that eternal rest. If it is just a small morsel of what awaits. If it is just a split second appetizer of the tranquility and peacefulness that is to come....then bring on the banquet and come Lord Jesus.
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