Christmas 2021
have taken several readings and, by every indicator, I am a man in need
of grace. More to the point, even by the lowest standard.....(And,
sadly, a God who is perfect in His perfection, never uses the lowest
standard)....I have come to understand that I am in desperate need of
God's unfathomable sustaining grace.
that is why, in a life checkered with limited success and tremendous
failure, I find myself irresistibly drawn to the attribute of God for
which I feel the greatest need. His glorious, sacrificial,
unimaginable, incomprehensible grace. It is, I believe, the reason for
my deep appreciation of the love and grace poured out at the
"The Word became flesh and dwelt among us..."
has never been, in my opinion, a sentence ever written or uttered more
pregnant in richness and depth than this one penned by a rugged, old
fisherman who could boast of no formal education. Never have eight
words described the eternal being drawn into time, or perfection placed
in the midst of imperfection, or the explosive power of creation
silently placed into the hands of powerless man, than these eight words.
"The Word became flesh and dwelt among us..."
adored Him, a star shadowed Him, shepherds worshiped Him, wise men
sought Him, the angels bowed in holy wonder, and the Father was pleased.
In that instant, God had not only pitched his tent among men, but the
tent was flesh and bone, with a face and arms and legs. The tent was a
baby, and the all-sustaining God was in the tent. All of God's love,
all of His grace, and His majesty, and His holiness, wrapped in a
helpless little baby.
"The Word became flesh and dwelt among us..."
be clear, it wasn't an act of desperation to save His fallen creation,
but an outflow of the very nature of a loving Father. It wasn't a
change of plan on the part of the Creator, but a moment destined in
eternity, welling up from the core of everything that is divine. It
bridged the beginning and end of time with all that is eternal. It
touched creation, for the furthest star felt it's impact, and the
tiniest atom shook at it's significance. It submerged humanity in love
and grace. Even with it's unfathomable scope and magnitude, and despite
it encompassing every possible dimension, it was extremely personal.
"The Word became flesh and dwelt among us..."
was extremely personal. It did not happen for those who are without
sin, for they have no need of grace. It did not happen for those who
need to be touched by grace on the rare occasion, for they do not
comprehend the extent of their sinfulness. But it happened for those who realize the need for rivers of grace. Not just a sprinkling of
grace. Not just a spattering of grace. But extravagant, exorbitant,
enormously overflowing rivers of grace.
And that would be me, and it's why I love the Incarnation.
So, celebrate Christmas....but take some time to bow in worshipful adoration at the wonder of the Incarnation.
Have a wonderful, fruitful and blessed 2022.
By Grace Alone with Love,
Jim and Jacquie
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