Saturday, March 5, 2011

Tiger Blood and Adonis DNA

This past week I have been forced to take an honestly brutal look at myself, evaluate the available data, and confess the results of the assessment. It is certainly not my goal to disappoint or hurt anyone, but rather to merely state what I have discovered. My wife will be shocked, and my children disappointed, but it needs to be done.

Are you ready for this?

Well, the truth is, I do not have, "Tiger blood and Adonis DNA." There it is. It's out there. I knew you would be disquieted, and I can sense the aghast in the stunned silence. I was surprised at the conclusion myself. Quite frankly, now that I have said it out loud, it feels as if a load has been lifted.

Fortunately, with that truth came another. What I lack in tiger blood and Adonis DNA is more than made up for by what I do possess.

You see, Charlie may fantasize about being endowed with tiger blood, but in complete reality I have the blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Charlie's tiger blood may make him fierce as he battles life, but Christ's blood claims me, and makes me righteous before a perfectly holy God. It gives me life.

Charlie may envision a world in which he can trace his lineage to the Greek god Adonis, while I know with a certainty that my lineage is traced through Christ to Adonai....Yahweh...Elohim....the only true God. The creator and ruler of all things is my Father.

I am made righteous through the blood of Christ, and the sustainer of the cosmos is my Father. I'll take that over tiger blood and Adonis DNA any day. And, in the end, I pray that Charlie comes to that realization as well.

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